Photo Backdrops Help Composure

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Do you know what type of photography equipment you need? Do you know where to get the best photography backgrounds? Well, now you do! Check out for some really great discounts and deals.

Having the right type of lighting for your photography is very important since it will be what really makes the subject stand out, as well as cast shadows that will be imperative to the entire composure of the picture itself. There are lots of different kinds of photography lighting kits that can help you depending on the need and subject.

Umbrella type lights are very beneficial for portrait photos and different objects like furniture or bulky subjects that need a lot of cast onto them. You can use the umbrella to soften the subjects lighting which will help to avoid any possible overexposure that could happen. They are used to lessen unwanted shadows as well created from window lighting or outdoor subjects. Once you have chosen what type of lighting will suit your subject best, you will need a nice backdrop to help get rid of any unneeded noise in the photograph. You want your subject to stand out, not what is in the background.

Getting quality equipment isn't hard when you know where to look and luckily LA shop knows just what products you need. Backgrounds will help to minimize any other non-subjects in the background of the photo and will draw focus to exactly where you want it. Without the proper photo backdrop, many photos would be too busy to be attractively composed. There are lots of different types of backdrops, as well as colors and different materials that will change the appearance. Make sure to do your research on what type of photo backgrounds should be used for which subjects.

Read MARA!

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For those of you who don't know what MARA is, it's a 6 issue comicbook published by Image Comics. It's the story of an especially gifted woman in a sports-and war-obsessed future. Young Mara Prince is at the top of the world, a global celebrity in a culture that prizes physical achievement above all else.

After she manifests supernatural abilities on live TV, she becomes famous all over again but for the worst reasons. Integrating themes of superpowers, celebrity worship, corporate power, feminism, and political brinksmanship, MARA takes a classic genre to new places.

That's the description taken from the official Image site.

I grabbed the first issue of Mara after reading this description because it somewhat reminded me of the manga series Mila Superstar (Attack No.1) which I used to watch as a kid.

After 2 issues I have to say that Mara is a very well written comicbook and Ming Doyle does a fantastic job on illustrating it. I became a fan of her work solely based on these 2 books.

What I really like is how Brian Wood (the writer) manages to always leave you wanting more at the end of each book. I just want to pick up the next book and continue reading the story which I think has the potential to be turned into a movie. I'm already sad that it's only a 6 part series. I'd love to read much more and delve deeper into Mara's world and adventures.

If you like a good comicbook that's well written and greatly illustrated, you should pick up Mara now!

Marvel NOW! - So Far

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With Marvel launching all these new titles under their Marvel NOW! umbrella around the same time I got back into reading comicbooks again, I picked up most of the #1 issues, just to figure out which series I want to pick up and read.

The problem with this is that it's not a Marvel relaunch but in most cases a continuation of stories from previous titles. So basically most of the stuff is hard to get into if you haven't read the previous stories, with a few exceptions of course.

A #1 issue definitely isn't a full representation of a full new series but it shows you how the storywriting goes and how the book is drawn and I must say that most of these Marvel NOW titles didn't impress me. All of the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Avenger stuff that I read (I really picked up every title so far) didn't grab my attention and didn't make me want to pick up the following issues.

Though Indestructible Hulk, Iron Man and Deadpool all have great writing and are drawn nicely and appealing to the eye. And all of them start off at a point where you don't really need to have any prior knowledge of the characters or what was going on in the previous comicbooks. One more thing that remains to be seen is how the Superior Spider-Man series will turn out to be. Definitely got it on my subscription list already.

I really like Mini Series's and One-Shots

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Since I've been back into reading comic books I noticed that I really like mini series's with 4 to 6 issues and one shots. It's a quick way to get a full story and the most important thing... It's not too hard to find a mini series for a good price compared to getting a whole 52-104 issue comic book series. So I've been indulging in the first Rogue series, the first  Gambit one, She Hulks, the 4 book Spider-Man story arch "One More Day" and of course the new "Death of the Family" arch. I also read some Silver Surfer one-shots

Death of the Family has been very good so far. I must say I mostly only read the main story-line in the Batman books though plus the ones from the Die-Cut covers, I really don't feel like getting into all of the books involved to get every little detail of the story.

Currently I have the Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe TPB on the way and am very much loooking forward to reading that. I'm also eyeing some of the Domino mini series's, Deadpool's Circle Chase and the other Rogue ones. If you have any recommendations, let me know in the comments.

The Cover Got Me: The Amazing Spider-Man # 617

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This week in The Cover Got Me we have the 617th issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. It is a triple variant cover. I originally only wanted the first one and saw it on eBay but then someone bought it before me so I looked a little more and I found this set of all 3 covers so I thought, hey, why not!

What we see here is the Rhino breaking through. Once again, it's the simplicity that caught my eye here. I really like simple covers and especially the first one stands out to me, I like how  it's all white and looks cracked. The other 2, I don't care about much but I guess it's nice to have these 3 together in one collection.

DC or Marvel?

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This is the one question you'll definitely get asked when you're into comic books. For me, I think the answer to this is not really that hard to give. I totally go with Marvel because of several reasons.

Marvel has X-Men, Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Deadpool, Punisher, DareDevil, SpiderMan, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America and all the other Avengers. DC has Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Flash, Watchmen, Hawkman, Aquaman and then they have a whole bunch other characters that originated from Batman, like Robin, Catwoman etc.

The thing for me is, out of all of the DC characters I'm only interested in Batman, Batgirl and Flash but out of the Marvel ones there's barely anyone I don't like.

Also if we have a look at the movies Marvel is way ahead in my opinion, yeah DC did great with the new Batman series but the Green Lantern movie, Watchmen and Superman Returns all sucked. On Marvel's side there are the Iron Man movies, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Punisher and the old and the new SpiderMan series that has just been relaunched plus The Avengers. Of course they also had some missteps like the DareDevil movie and the first Hulk but overall they definitely have more good movies on their plate than DC has.

I think the people who choose DC over Marvel are Batman and/or Superman fanboys, everyone else should naturally go with Marvel as they have the way better stable of superheroes. Of course that's all just opinion and of course I'm reading and watching stuff from both of them but if I'd have to choose, Marvel would be it.

The Cover Got Me: The Amazing Spiderman # 544

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Once again, a white variant cover featured in The Cover Got Me. In case you can't tell by now, I really love these kind of covers. So when I saw this, I had to get it.

This cover was illustrated by Marko Djurdjević, which is pretty cool cause he's actually from Germany, as I am. He did a few other Spiderman covers and some for other series, too so I'm thinking about eventually picking up some more of his work as it really looks fantastic to me. Also the homie Sermon told me that this little One More Day 4 part series is dope, so I'll definitely get me the other 3 issues.

If you want to see some more of his stuff, click HERE

Andrew Garfield is the better Spider-Man

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When I first heard that they plan on doing a whole new Spider-Man series with a new cast just shortly after they finished the series with Tobey Maguire, I was pretty sceptical. I know it's The Amazing Spider-Man now..but still.

However I watched the new movie, expecting it to be crap or boring cause I expected them to not do it as good as the previous one but I was wrong and it was great. Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Spider-Man is much darker, he's wittier and overall cooler than Maguire was. I also liked how the whole love story was only a side story and not so much a part of it like it was in the 1st Maguire Spiderman. Maybe this is due to the fact that his love interest in this one is Gwen Stacy and not Mary-Jane Watson.

Also in this one, Peter Parker is a tech savy skater, rocking SB-Dunks, making him much more relatable for me than the Maguire one ever was. Besides that, the way they solved how Spider-Man is shooting webs from his hands is much more realistic in this one and Garfield's body much more resembles the one of a spider.

Concluding, not only is Garfield the better Spiderman, the whole movie, the cast and the way they transferred and interpreted the story is way better than in the Sam Raimi x Maguire one. I feel like what they did with this Spider-Man movie is kind of like what happened with Batman, the new series is darker and basically for a more grown up audience while the previous series was lighter and for families.

Can't wait to see what they'll do next.